London Diamond Bourse

London Diamond Bourse


The London Diamond Bourse: Upholding Integrity and Excellence in the UK Diamond Industry

For over 75 years, the London Diamond Bourse (LDB) has been the foremost hub for diamond trading in the United Kingdom. Situated in Hatton Garden, it serves not just as a marketplace but as a community united by a commitment to excellence and integrity.

As a member of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses, the London Diamond Bourse is known for its history, traditions, and facilities, setting it apart in the UK. It adheres to a historic code of conduct emphasizing integrity, moral obligation, and mutual trust.

Membership in the London Diamond Bourse offers assurance to customers, signaling that they’re dealing with vetted professionals of impeccable standing, accountable to both clients and the industry.

The Bourse is recognized by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as a Trade Organization, mandating compliance with the Kimberley Process for all members involved in rough diamond trade.

Membership is earned, and the Bourse operates on a fiscally responsible model, with fees covering controlled expenses and a volunteer board.

Ultimately, the London Diamond Bourse serves to regulate and support the UK diamond industry while instilling confidence in consumers.

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